Transparency Policy

To keep our organization independent and neutral, we inform all the team members/volunteers in the selection and training process that we cannot welcome them if they are affiliated with any political party, or have any activities with them. Team members can not use the Tech4Peace platform to advertise or speak against political parties or any other organisation. The administrators will check if anything is published except the outcomes of our investigations. 
Our spokesman, Aws Al-Saadi, is neutral in his speech in interviews and does not promote any political party or public figure.

As for our posts, our goal is to deliver the true news to our followers and the public and not to defend anyone, due to our neutrality. Because of our work for six years, it became a habit for citizens, even seniors at the Iraqi Government, to double-check the news they read before they (re-)publish or forward it, 

In order to fact-check, we follow the following steps:
1. We rely on credible sources to verify the news.

2. Wometimes, we utilize the network of the team members in order to reach the person or party in charge to inquire about the issue.

3. Our team/volunteers are able to verify news in 8 different languages (Arabic, English, French, Dutch, Turkish, Kurdish, Turkmen, and Persian).

4. our team/volunteers are experts in various fields, such as (politics, media, religion, medical, technology, astronomy, chemistry, science, and many others), this helps us a lot in terms of verifying false news.

All of our work is in line with, for example, the Facebook policy as per the following link