What Is The Truth about The Video Circulating Showing Visitors Throwing Qais Khazali Out?

A video circulated on social media platforms with the following text: "Breaking, Qais Al-Khazali was thrown out by the pilgrims of Imam Hussein (peace be upon him) in Karbala, with chants saying all of you are thieves".


The Truth:

The circulating clip is old, and it was previously posted on YouTube on April 8, 2022, with the title “Ammar al-Hakim thrown out by young men from the city of Najaf al-Ashraf near the Twentieth Revolution Square, chanting they are all thieves,” meaning that the clip is old and does not portray (Qais al-Khazali) thrown out by visitors as was claimed.


It is noteworthy that (Khazali), the Secretary-General of Asa'ib Ahl al-Haq, ordered to hand out ice blocks, water, and food supply to the Husseini processions to support them to meet the visitors' requirements.