What Is The Truth About The Facebook Page In The Name of Arwa Faiq Al-Sheikh Ali? And Does It Belong To Faiq's Daughter?

A page known as (Arwa Faiq Al-Sheikh Ali) shared a post that said: "Allah, protect my father and the apple of my eye from all harm and heal him and give him health and wellness".

The Truth:

The page is fake and is not affiliated with the daughter of (Faiq Al-Sheikh), and Faiq Al-Sheikh Ali also noted that this page does not belong to his daughter, saying:

"What a shame, this is childish... making fake accounts in the name of my daughter on Facebook. Is your problem with me or my daughter?"


And that was through a tweet on his official account on Twitter yesterday, October 15, 2022.

And regarding the personal picture included on the page, it belongs to a young woman named (Ayat Adham), who shared a tweet yesterday, October 15, 2022, as well, in which she stated:

"For everyone who sees this post, please report this account on Facebook, I'll be thankful if you do, and as for those with weak souls who do these behaviors, you will be held accountable"