What is the truth about the death of the Syrian artist Duraid Lahham?

Many pages on social media platforms circulated the following news: "The artist Duraid Lahham passed away at dawn today due to a sudden heart attack that led to his hospitalization."

The truth:

The news about the death of the great Syrian artist Duraid Lahham is false, as the head of the Damascus branch of the Artists Syndicate, "Tamador Ghanem," denied this news on her official page, confirming that Lahham is fine and in good health.

The Syndicate stressed the need to take news from its official website and pages and not publish news from unknown sources.

The artist Duraid is still practicing his acting activity, as the Syrian director and writer Bassem Al-Salka published a photo of him and the crew of the Syrian series that is being filmed now, and its name is “On Love” written by writer Fadi Qushoggi and directed by Bassem Al-Salka, and the series brings together the great Syrian artists Duraid Welham, Osama Al-Romani and other artists.

Note, this is not the first time that a rumor about the death of the Syrian artist Duraid Lahham has been circulated, as we have previously debunked the news of his death after it spread on social media platforms in 2020 on our page.

Who is Duraid Lahham?

A Syrian artist who presented many characters, most famously for his playing the character “Ghawar Al-Tousha,” which was of a comic character, and was chosen by UNICEF to be a goodwill ambassador in the Middle East and North Africa until he resigned from his position due to the war on Lebanon in 2006. Duraid Lahham's career in the world of acting was rich in distinguished works, and his works achieved many successes. His art left an imprint in the Syrian and Arab society. Duraid acted, directed, and wrote screenplays for most of his works and has continued to do so to this day.