What Is the Truth About the News of the Dismissal of the Security Officials (Hadi Razij) and (Rayed Al-Faris) in Anbar Province?

News circulated on social media "Al-Sudani discharges the Anbar police chief and the province's director of intelligence and terrorism."
The Truth
The news is fake, and so far. No decision by the Prime Minister (Mohammed Shiaa al-Sudani) was issued to dismiss the Anbar Police Commander, Lieutenant-General (Hadi Rezij), and the Director of Intelligence and Combating Terrorism in Anbar, Major General (Rayed Al-Faris), and there is no official source confirming the validity of what was circulated, and local news websites did not address this news until the moment of writing this article.
Also, both (Razij) and (Al-Fares) are still performing their duties in their positions as usual, and they share their activities through the pages concerned with reporting their news, where Lieutenant General (Hadi Rizij) received well-wishes on Eid Al-Fitr this morning, Friday, April 21, 2023, from directors of departments of the Ministry of the Interior and directors of security agencies in the province, also, yesterday, Thursday, April 20, 2023, Major General (Rayed Al-Faris) posted congratulations on Eid, introducing himself as (Director of Intelligence and Counter-Terrorism of Anbar) on the (Fares Al-Anbar) page concerned with reporting his news and activities.
We also contacted the official page of the Anbar Governorate Police Command on Facebook, and they confirmed that the news was false.

The circulation of this claim comes after the decision of the Prime Minister (Mohammed Shiaa al-Sudani) on April 20, 2023, to dismiss the commander of the Special Division, Lieutenant General (Hamid al-Zuhairi), after the escape of the convict Saad Kambash from the Karrada Maryam police station, in the capital, Baghdad.
Note: On April 25, 2023, we updated the article by adding the following paragraph, "We also contacted the official page of the Anbar Governorate Police Command on Facebook, and they confirmed that the news was false." Where the fact-check was published based on other sources and facts, and upon receiving the response of the concerned party days after publishing the investigation, the source mentioned above was added.
Edit time: 06:00 PM, Edit date: 04/25/2023.